J The Ripper Show #33!
*PUA Summit Recap; No Black or White PUA of the Year??!!
*Hypnotica vs. Sexter on the Casanova Crew Forums
*Hypnotica vs. Pua Comic
*Did AFC Amanda Lyons CHEAT on AFC Adam Lyons?
*LS Bradocks Blog Exposes the situation
*El Topo catches AFC Amanda Ovulating in Texas
*J The Ripper Wins Faggot Of The Year on PUA HAte
*Black Monday KTLA Recap
*Would Johnny Wolf had done better if he didnt make his Wolf face when busting out the rattlesnake? (I would NEVER do that to you Jessica)
*Alfaromeo Gets a Handjob at a wedding.
*Kurse comes on to talk conspiracy theories, Roswell, Alien Autopsy
*Shortround Reviews Decibel's teachings. Maharaja talks shit about Decibel.
*Speer bashes Ross Jeffries, says he's so old he farts dust. (CANT MISS THIS!)
all this and more!
Thanks for the donations everyone, you helped collect $500, over 40 people donated (including Pua Haters who dont want to be revealed except for Thor) I got a Toshiba laptop with a 2.3 ghz processor and 4 GB of Ram! You guys are awesome!
Show will be up at 10pm!
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Hey Giovanni, do you still have your Hypnotica seminar notes? I found your theories about NLP fascinating, you must PM me all your favorites. And thanks again for coordinating that trip to San Diego for us, you are just super duper.
Mira pendejo, no andes con tus pendejadas porque ya saben que eres mamon y maricon. Parra de estar cochando cabron, con tus pendejadas de NLP, y mamando como un pinche wey.
Juan Rodriguez, quierres jugar?
whos that sexy mofo
yup thats me.
I just finished listening to this. J, the Ripper is honest about how bad everyone did on the morning show, calling the event, "Black Monday," but he and the other guys on the show basically excuse it by alleging that they were set up. No, honestly guys, the pickup lines and routines would have worked in a real life bar situation This is not a demonstration of the fail of pick up!
hey speer, that was me prank calling you. lmfao
Towards the end.
Hur hur Ima "pua guru" durrr.
Make that cash bro, you know who's waiting.
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WTF am I sitting on your couch?
And what did you mean to watch out for some of my team leads being homosexual? B Bad was the only team lead who went on that trip with you to San Diego...so he he try to touch your cock or what??
...and please be specific.